What’s Happening

Pray First
First of the Month
The first of every month has been set aside for the Pathway community to come together to pray in a focused and interactive way.
Join us on Tuesday, April 1, from 7:00-8:00pm.
We’ll acknowledge our dependence on God and humbly ask for his blessing. We’ll pray for the people and ministries of Pathway, our leaders, and our unsaved family and friends.

AI Workshops
Sundays, March 23-April 13
How should Christians respond to technologies that, on the one hand, allow the blind to see and the lame to walk and, on the other hand, seek to enable us to live forever as digital selves? Do advancements in artificial intelligence and other technologies not only threaten but promise disruption? Our Christian faith has resources for responding to these emerging and potentially disruptive technologies.
Pathway’s own Matthew Eppinette, Director of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity, will be leading four workshops addressing human-interfacing technologies, such as AI, with the goal of taking what we know from the past to prepare us for the future. Each week’s gathering will include at least 30 minutes for questions and answers.
- Week 1: Sunday, March 23 – Introduction and Overview: Framing the Subject
- Week 2: Sunday, March 30 – What’s So Intelligent about Artificial Intelligence?
- Week 3: Sunday, April 6 – Brain-Computer Interfaces, Robots, and Cyborgs, Oh My!
- Week 4: Sunday, April 13 – What’s Next for Humanity? A Christian Response

Women’s Spring Gingerbread House Decorating
Saturday, April 5
Bring a friend and decorate a gingerbread house for spring! Whether you’re an experienced decorator or just want to enjoy some creative time with friends, this event is for you!
Cost is $5. Registration ends Tuesday, April 1.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry that gives people the resources and relationships to help find a new way of living. It’s a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling their lives.
This ministry is for anyone struggling with past or current hurts, habits, or hang-ups, whether they’re affecting their own lives or the lives of those around them.
Questions? Contact Vicky and Mike at Celebrate-Recovery@YourPathwayChurch.org or 847-255-2140.

Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm
For kids 3 years old (by September 1) through 6th grade.
In Awana, awards are earned for memorizing Bible verses and completing projects. Age-appropriate games help build confidence.
Join any time throughout the club year!